At Respect Energy, we specialize in services and products related to green energy from renewable sources.
We produce, buy and sell 100% green energy. We also help produce energy, optimize its consumption and costs and make a good profit on it, as well. We have the best teams of experts and engineers in our country ready to help you find the best energy solutions for your business and lower your carbon footprint in the process.
We are convinced that, acting effectively and wisely, together with our Partners and Clients, we can accelerate our country’s energy transition without risk to end users. And our Partners and Clients, thanks to long-term agreements with us, can safely plan their development and reduce CO2 emissions effectively supporting the European Union’s zero-carbon efforts.
Czy wiesz, że?
Morskie fale również mogą być wykorzystywane do wytwarzania energii, przy wykorzystaniu technologii zwaną energetyką morską.
Czy wiesz, że?
Wiatraki generując energia wiatrowa, potrafią dostarczyć prąd nawet wtedy, gdy wieje delikatny wiatr o prędkości zaledwie 3-5 m/s.
Respect Energy’s business revolves around green energy and is based on several business pillars, including international electricity trading, property rights and guarantees of origin, construction of RES power plants, photovoltaic installations or provision of complementary solutions including energy storage and electromobility.
Whether a lower price of electricity per MWh is what your business needs or whether you need a significant reduction in reactive power in the electric grid, we will find a solution for you.
A customized solution for your company’s specific needs and operations to reduce electricity costs.
Czy wiesz, że?
Słońce dostarcza na Ziemię więcej energii w ciągu godziny, niż ludzkość zużywa w ciągu całego roku.